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來源:http://ablank.cn 瀏覽:0發(fā)表時間:2022-03-18
每年春季,尤其是驚蟄以后,明顯增強的暖濕空氣與負隅頑抗的冷空氣激烈對峙,引發(fā)了強烈的空氣垂直對流運動。當潮濕的暖空氣上升到一定高度時就會形成高大的積雨云,云中強烈的電場使正負電荷發(fā)生碰撞而放電,從而使萬鈞雷霆驟然發(fā)生。 所以春雷是年年都有的。那么在雷雨天氣攪拌站施工要主要什么呢?下面說一下應急及注意事項。
Every spring, especially after waking, the significantly enhanced warm and humid air confronts fiercely with the tenacious cold air, causing a strong vertical convective movement of air. When the moist warm air rises to a certain height, a tall cumulonimbus cloud will be formed. The strong electric field in the cloud will collide and discharge the positive and negative charges, resulting in the sudden occurrence of Wanjun thunder. So spring thunder comes every year. So what is the main construction of mixing plant in thunderstorm weather? Here are the emergency and precautions.
1、首先我們要做好應急準備與組織管理。在接到預警信號時,及時落實相應的防范行動。緊急處理領導小組負責編制暴雨、雷電、停水停電、火災、爆炸、危險化學品泄漏應急準備及響應預案。按批準的應急準備方案,落實有關設施、 物資并組織實施有關人員進行應急準備及響應預案培訓,必要時組織演練。惡劣天氣過后,及時排除險情、發(fā)現(xiàn)隱患、檢查損失情況、進行反饋改進。
1. First of all, we should do a good job in emergency preparedness and organization management. When receiving the early warning signal, timely implement the corresponding preventive actions. The emergency response leading group is responsible for preparing emergency preparedness and response plans for rainstorm, lightning, water and power failure, fire, explosion and leakage of dangerous chemicals. According to the approved emergency preparedness plan, implement relevant facilities and materials, organize relevant personnel to carry out emergency preparedness and response plan training, and organize drills if necessary. After bad weather, timely eliminate dangerous situations, find hidden dangers, check losses and give feedback for improvement.
2、雷暴防御指引:負責按經批準的應急準備及響應預案對辦公、 生活區(qū)的要求組織實施。負責對辦公及后勤管理有關人員進行應急準備及響應預案的培訓在攪拌站投入使用之前完成所有防雷接地的檢查。雷暴期間,停止一切生產活動。雷暴后, 搶修或檢查損失情況。
2. Thunderstorm prevention guidelines: be responsible for organizing the implementation according to the requirements of the approved emergency preparedness and response plan for office and living areas. Be responsible for the training of office and logistics management personnel on emergency preparedness and response plan, and complete all lightning protection and grounding inspections before the mixing plant is put into use. During the thunderstorm, all production activities shall be stopped. After thunderstorm, repair or check the loss.
3、暴雨防御指引:暴雨黃色預警時,檢查排水設施或通道的可用性,檢查應急排水設備的可用性,檢查門 / 窗/ 天臺等易進雨的設施,收蓋露天存放的物品,疏散低洼易浸地區(qū)物資,發(fā)現(xiàn)險情,在采取了安全措施的情況下,組織搶險。雨后組織檢查, 排除險情和隱患。暴雨紅色預警時,暫停戶外作業(yè),檢查戶外電氣設備 / 臨時電氣設備的抗風/ 抗雨措施,切斷低洼地帶有危險的室外電源,發(fā)現(xiàn)險情,在采取了安全措施的情況下,組織搶險。雨后組織檢查,排除險情和隱患。其它同暴雨黃色預警。
3. Rainstorm prevention guidelines: in case of rainstorm yellow warning, check the availability of drainage facilities or channels, check the availability of emergency drainage equipment, check the facilities easy to enter the rain such as doors / Windows / rooftops, cover the items stored in the open air, evacuate the materials in low-lying and easily soaked areas, and organize rescue when safety measures are taken. Organize inspection after rain to eliminate dangerous situations and hidden dangers. In case of rainstorm red warning, suspend outdoor operation, check the wind / rain resistance measures of outdoor electrical equipment / temporary electrical equipment, cut off the dangerous outdoor power supply in low-lying areas, and organize rescue when safety measures are taken. Organize inspection after rain to eliminate dangerous situations and hidden dangers. Others are the same as rainstorm yellow warning.
4、雷雨季到來之前,必須做好施工現(xiàn)場的排水防洪措施,雨后及時組織人員排除工地積水,對現(xiàn)場主要道路、場地應澆砼或鋪設石子、砂粒等“硬化”措施,保證施工現(xiàn)場潔凈,道路通暢,保證雷雨期施工的順利進行。材料的防雨工作及為重要, 進入雨季前應將所有的倉庫檢查維修一次,地勢是否低洼可能室內進水,露天堆放的砂、碎石等,也必須覆蓋防雨防風材料,以防使用時含水率過大影響質量。
4. Before the arrival of thunderstorm rainy season, drainage and flood control measures must be taken at the construction site. After the rain, personnel must be organized to remove the accumulated water at the construction site in time. The main roads and sites on the site should be poured with concrete or paved with stones, sand and other "hardening" measures to ensure that the construction site is clean and the roads are unobstructed, so as to ensure the smooth progress of construction in Thunderstorm period. The rainproof work and of materials are important. All warehouses should be inspected and repaired before entering the rainy season. Whether the terrain is low-lying, indoor water may enter, and the sand and gravel stacked in the open air must also be covered with rainproof and windproof materials to prevent excessive moisture content from affecting the quality during use.
對一些有防潮要求的材料,雨季前也必須轉入干燥的倉庫存放,應勤檢查, 盡量做到雨季施工的材料隨購隨用, 減少積壓、減少損失。檢查現(xiàn)場各種機具、設備的防雨設施,保證機具入棚和具備防雨功能,機電設備機座均墊高,不得直接放置在地面上,避免下雨時受淹。漏點接地保護裝置應靈敏有效,雨期施工前檢查線路絕緣情況, 做好記錄,雨施期間定期檢查。
For some materials with moisture-proof requirements, they must also be transferred to dry warehouses for storage before the rainy season. They should be inspected frequently, and try to use the materials constructed in the rainy season as soon as possible, so as to reduce backlog and losses. Check the rainproof facilities of various machines, tools and equipment on site to ensure that the machines and tools enter the shed and have rainproof function. The machine bases of electromechanical equipment are padded up and shall not be placed directly on the ground to avoid flooding in case of rain. The leakage point grounding protection device shall be sensitive and effective. Check the line insulation before construction in rainy season and make records. Check regularly during rainy construction.
想了解更多關于攪拌機的知識,可以關注我們網站http://ablank.cn, 全自動攪拌車廠家下期為您分享。
If you want to know more about blenders, you can follow our website http://ablank.cn , the manufacturer of automatic mixer will share with you in the next period.